A new popular post on Facebook dares;
A boy writes a letter to God. "Dear God, why do you let bad things happen in our schools?" God replied " Dear Son, I'm not allowed in your schools." I challenge you to re-post this...
First off, these types of 'challenges' annoy me. I do not care to be 'guilted' or 'shamed' into being a good little lemming and repeating anyone else's thoughts, lest the number of testicles I possess come into question. To those that put forth such 'challenges', I in return challenge them to think for themselves instead of letting a mindless internet meme speak for them.
Secondly, God (however we perceive him/her/it to be) is in our schools, if God is in our hearts. The separation of Church and State is not to keep God out of our schools. It is to keep Organized Religion out of our schools. As Ghandi observed, "I like your Christ...but I don't care for your Christians". No other concern in the history of man has caused more suffering, more bloodshed and more despair than Organized Religion. It was because of Organized Religion that our forefathers sought a new life free of it in America.
Freedom of Religion is a basic principle on which this country was founded. Religion-based schools aka parochial schools are free to do as they choose. Public schools should not favor one religion or another, nor should the moral code of a student be the sole responsibility or even the primary responsibility of the educational system. Faith, morals, honor, decency are all values that should have had their foundations laid within the student long before he or she set foot in Kindergarten by the parents. Of course, these days parents are too involved in selfish pursuits to properly take part in their children's upbringing and education.
It used to be that the education system was merely supporting the values taught at home. Today, the parents expect The State to rear their children while they go off on a drunk or take trips to faraway places, or just veg out in front of violent movies with trash language or mindless reality shows on the couch...or even worse things that I won't even mention here.
It is not the responsibility of The State to rear children. The State can provide education, assistance and guidance, but the responsibility is that of the parent. Blaming any institution for the problems of today's society is a cop out. It starts at home, it roots at home, it grows or dies at home and at home is where the blame lies. If we as a society are looking for a direction to point the finger, we need only turn it inward on ourselves.
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